Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Be careful what you ask for

Pakistani's fleeing the Taliban... Sharia' later!

The reluctance of Pakistan to deal with the resurgence of the Taliban is mystifying...
the Washington Post published an insightful piece by Pamela Constable in this paradox Tuesday.

some Lines that jump out at me include:

"Behind this strained hope for a peaceful solution lie an array of factors—competing military priorities, reluctance to fight fellow Muslims, lack of strong executive leadership and some
internal sympathy for the insurgents."

"Insurgent leaders hold news conferences and spew religious hatred on FM radio stations with no interference.

"The militants have resolve, determination, focus and ideology. On the other side, I don't see any of those," said Aftab Khan Sherpao, a former interior minister and a member of Parliament who comes from northwest Pakistan."

"The army understands the threat from the militants, but they are more permanently worried about India. "People are still confused about whether this is our war or America's war, and nobody in the government is getting out and explaining to them why we should fight it."

"Nobody has the guts to say that cutting off people's heads is un-Islamic.

It's like they want Sharia...yet they flee as the Taliban extends it's claim.... WTF!?

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